Alright guys, I am starting this thread with the intention to knock women out of the pedestal some guys here put them on.
Most guys here who post about their oneits or their low IL gf are having problems with the average girls, i dont care if she is a HB9 or a HB10 and the sex i just great... she IS probably an average girl.
Ill start with some:
This is not a motivation to you guys become losers in order to attract girls, but whenever you feel you are lacking on confidence, you should remember this fact.
Not much to be said about it, just look around and see for yourselves.
Average girls crave for attention like drug addicts, they need attention from men on a daily basis so they can keep their self esteem in order.
If a girl is used to having your attention, if you dont give it to them, they will crave for it even more. If she wont crave for YOUR attention, thats because her IL is pretty low in relation to you, but you should know that she IS always craving attention from someone (and that is a pretty f*cked up way to live life, consider yourself lucky that you dont NEED it!).
Ive said that they are attractes to IMAGE, NOT LOOKS!
Thats why the jerks are always f*cking the girls that you might be in love with. Its because they can fake confidence on their image through body language, neghits and stuff like that.
You can be a great guy, but if your overall image is not telling it, you aint getting nothing.
So next time you feel like approaching that hottie, you better walk to her with the right body language and your confidence intact, always remember what Ive said on number 1.
So, when your girl tries to get an emotional response from you be it by flirting with other guys in front of you, be it by crying or holding sex to get what they want, dont EVER give her an emotional response.
Wath this video from a fight between crocop and silva and watch at 6:23 when the fighters are being introduced by the refree, (
) see how silva is trying to scare the sh*t out of crocop with his evil look in the eye and see how crocop doesnt have any kind of response in his body language, he is cool and calm like he already knows that he will kick silva's as*.
Thats how you have to be when they try to get emotional responses from you, with the exception of the as* kickng after the introduction of course.
Now put yourself in the girls position... if you were a girl, would you feel hurt and sorry that you were dumped by an AFC? Of course not. So why some guys gets desperate and depressed when they are dumped or they were cheated by an average girl? Its not logical, average women are everywhere and they are easy to get. Trust me.
So they tend to assume the personality of the guy they are most interested at the moment.
Have you ever realized when a girl has high IL on you, they start to listen the type of music you re into, they try to fit into your sense of fashion and style, they do the things you like to do and they even start talking like you do?
I discovered that its a great way to measure their IL, if they are not following me on some details ive mentioned above, they are losing their IL.
Thats also great for the guys that seek approval from women.
Why would you seek approval from somebody who dont have
their own sense of personality well defined?